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Electronic Water

We solve a global problem starting in the Gulf of Guinea


Our Vision


Our vision is to make it impossible for pirates to operate in the Gulf of Guinea. We aim to protect cargo ships and ocean traffic as they sail.  


Piracy today is extremely profitable. Each haul is in the millions of dollars. Modern-day pirates have at their disposal, intelligence on the movements of vessels and what these vessels are carrying. Ironically, such intelligence is provided by legitimate organizations carrying out day-to-day business.


A common perception is that the pirates in the fast boats are unemployed. These unemployed pirates now use night vision goggles and advanced GPS devices to help with navigation. Modern-day pirates are cyber security experts that hack into cargo ship manifests to choose their target.  Distances on the high seas to the targeted ships mean rescue boats need hours to get to them.


There is no non-naval or non-military technically advanced infrastructure to track pirates on a real time basis and before an attack happens. This is necessary to give rescue teams advanced warning.


Our Mission


The solution is two fold:  (1) Platforms that silently monitor ocean traffic. Our software algorithms will analyze the monitoring, classify and alert on suspicious traffic.  (2) Electronic equipment on board cargo ships that can silently spoof GPS coordinates of pirate boats as well as jam their communication.


We will deploy in the Gulf Guinea a regional multinational anti-piracy solution that provides security for shipping in the Gulf of Guinea and complies with reporting mandates of UNCLOS - Article 24 (2) (to forewarn) and Article 25(1) of UNCLOS to detect.

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